My husband let me down.

Last night in bed, the panic hit me. An unbearable weight on my chest, my stomach solid and my jaw clenched tight.

I pulled out my journal and the following conversation took place between me and my husband, Joe, who was lying beside me.

Him: What are you doing?!

Me: Journalling.

Him: Why? It's bed time.

Me: Because I'm having a mini-anxiety attack.

Him: About what?

Me: I don't know. My thoughts are just going crazy and I'm spinning out a bit.

Him: Well, what are you thinking?

Me: I honestly don't even know.

Him: What do you mean you don't know? How can you not know?

Me: I just don't know, ok? That's why I'm journalling.

..... *no response* .....

15-minutes later, I closed my notebook.

Him: So, what did you learn?

Me: That I am terrible at measuring progress and I never know if I'm doing enough or moving forwards in my business. Because of that, I have these moments where I feel like an utter failure and give myself a really hard time because I haven't managed to somehow magically generate £10K in the space of half a day. So I talk shit to myself about how pathetic I am, and then worry about the future and if I'm really cut out for this business thing. I know I'm meant to be patient, but also I'm terrified I'm using patience as an excuse to hide behind the fact I'm not doing enough.

Him: ...

Me: Um, ok. Cool. Good conversation. Night.

Him: I'm half asleep baby, talk tomorrow k?

What did I learn from this? Well, confessing your deepest worries to someone who is basically asleep probably won't get you the response you're looking for.

(Also, trying to convey the angst of running a business to someone who doesn't run a business is generally an exercise in futility. They might *try* to console you... but they just don't get it, ya know?)

Secondly, that as I'm not currently part of any Memberships, Masterminds or getting coaching from anyone I've really lost track of how I'm actually *doing* in business.

The only measure I have for my progress is my bank account, and if a day or a week goes by where there's no movement in there - I immediately slip into a pattern of berating myself and telling myself I'm a failure.

Realising this however, I now get to do something about it.

And so in an act of absolute sheer Messy Action - I've created something that will start next Monday and run throughout the month of July.

It's a makeover of a group I ran last year callleddd:

Ready, Set, Action - July 2022

Group intention: To take the action needed to actively progress towards your goals AND track that progress too

We will:

➡️ Meet next Monday 4th from 9-10am to set our intentions/actions for the Month

➡️ Meet every Monday in July thereafter at 9:30am to set our intentions for the week ahead

➡️ Meet every Friday in July at 9:30am to review what went well for the week/what we did/what we learned

➡️ Keep in touch in a Private Facebook group in between

🔥 Optional Challenge: Create 100 pieces of imperfect content in July 2022
(doesn't have to be great content - the point is to build a 'publishing' habit!)

There's no sales page. This is all about simple and consistent, self-led Messy Action with a whole heap of accountability and support.

It's £45 for the month. You in?

I will be sending a couple more emails between now and Monday morning about it but if you want in, you gotta join by Sunday evening.

Any questions, hit reply to this email.

B xoxo

P.S. Wondering why you should pay for something you could just do on your own? Well, if you actually *do* take consistent action and measure your progress with zero stress or loneliness, then don't bother joining. You're all good and I wish I was more like you. If, like me, however you turn into a tunnel-visioned, doubt-ridden lonely person who loses all sense of perspective when left to her own devices - then paying £45 to avoid an evening anxiety attack is more than worth it in my opinion.

Becky Lloyd Pack 📖 Messaging • Storytelling • Business

👂Helping you become someone people LOVE to listen to ✨ so you can build a business people LOVE to buy from 💪 by playing to your storytelling strengths

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