I’m unravelling my business

Hello Reader - my gorgeous subscriber,

It’s been a hot minute since I’ve been in your inbox, no?

I could explain it away with some self-deprecating nonsense about lack of consistency & blah blah I’ve been busy blah…. but the honest truth is this:

I’ve been finding more joy sharing elsewhere lately.

From my YouTube channel, to re-purposing episodes into Podcasts and creating more videos on IG & TikTok - I’ve been uninterested in just creating some filler email content that would leave us both uninspired… so I haven’t. End of story.

But now seems as good a time as any to let you know I'm unravelling my business.

And by this, I don’t mean I’m quitting or stopping.

I mean that instead of trying to stuff all of my inspiration & creativity into one cohesive, nicely packaged brand of ’Story by Design’ I’m letting my messiness spill over into other spaces.

Because duh, I’m not a box, I’m a messy human living in an ever-changing, complex & imperfect world trying to make a living doing what I love, even when what I love morphs and changes.

And I would like to invite you to be part of this journey with me.

This email marks a Point of Divergence….

A fork in the road, where I'm choosing to walk a different path.

While ‘Story by Design’ will very much still be focused on Messaging + Storytelling… my “new thing” will be much more expansive and explorative, chewing over the textures of what it’s like to build a business around being you.

And spoiler alert, I've called it Point of Divergence.

If you want to follow this part of my journey - you have to let me know by clicking the link below:

Yes please, keep me updated on your new stuff

All that will happen when you click that link is that I will 'tag you' in my system & you will keep receiving emails from me, just under a new name... nothing else!

A new path also means a new place on the Internet...

There is also going to be a monthly community/membership attached to it called The POD where you can actively be part of this journey too.

It will have themed coworking sessions focussed on creating & publishing work, live “campfire sessions” dedicated to sharing our stories & wisdom with each other, as well as our own private corner of the internet where we can practise authentic sharing in a safe place.

If you want more information about it, then you will have to click that link above.

My new vibe is non-coercive marketing which requires active opt-ins & explicit consent

Which basically means just because you're on this list, you won't automatically be enrolled on to the new one.

What will happen with this list remains to be seen... but I'm going to let that unfold in time.

Here's to letting go of what no longer serves us, finding the joy in transitions & embracing the mystery of the unknown.

Sending a tidal wave of love to you with the email,

Becky xoxo

Becky Lloyd Pack 📖 Messaging • Storytelling • Business

👂Helping you become someone people LOVE to listen to ✨ so you can build a business people LOVE to buy from 💪 by playing to your storytelling strengths

Read more from Becky Lloyd Pack 📖 Messaging • Storytelling • Business

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