got covid 😒

I won't lie Reader, up until 8.17am this morning - I've been one of those smug people who's managed to avoid catching the C-Bug.

When Joe (my hubby) tested positive within the first week of starting his new job, I was sure I would catch it then. But I didn't.

When his brother came to visit a month ago, woke up feeling awful and tested positive that same day, I thought my luck had run out. But once again I managed to dodge it.

So when I came home on Sunday after a weekend away at a friends wedding with a slightly sore throat, I thought it was due to singing my little heart out until midnight the night before.

But that faint little red line that appeared on my Lat Flow test 5-minutes after shoving a long skinny q-tip up my nose this morning dashed my fantasy of being some sort of Superhuman.

Turns out my sore throat, dull headache and slightly achey muscles aren't just an after affect of throwing some funky shapes on the dance-floor and sleeping in a static caravan for two nights.

Nope, ya girl got covid.

I now find myself walking that fine line of not wanting to buy into the narrative of being "sick" - but also not wanting to bypass how I'm actually feeling in an attempt to show how strong I am.

And it struck me that this is also a line I walk regularly within my business too.

Right now for example, I'm wary of not buying into (or reinforcing) the narrative that "Instagram sucks" and chucking the baby out with the bathwater.

Evidence of this: I signed a new 1:1 client who found me through Instagram last week!

I also don't want to ignore how being on the app currently makes me feel.

As we head towards summer, another prime example of this conundrum is the general consensus that "Summer is slow for sales".

Because if we head into the *hopefully* warmer months with an expectation that we're going to struggle to make money, are we setting ourselves up for failure?

On the flip side though, if we go in to it REFUSING to accept that narrative... what do we do when sales are slow? Place all blame on ourselves that we just simply didn't work hard enough?

I don't have the answer for you Reader - and I'm genuinely interested to know what you think about this conundrum, so please do hit reply with your thoughts?

For now, I'm taking things moment-to-moment with as little dramatisation as possible... (not always easy for a storyteller like me.)

I'll be prioritising the questions: "Does this feel good right now? What is my body telling me?"

Who knows, maybe they're the questions that will lead the way in business, too?

If someone could just tell the person next door to stop drilling so I can nap though, that would be great.

B xoxo
​P.S. I'm now EXTRA grateful to past Becky who*finally* got around to breaking her dependence on fast-content and "in-person" services 😅

Knowing that people can still find me, fall in love with what I do and buy from me without needing me to do anything extra is making it 37x easier to slow down right now! So if you haven't actually got stuck in with The Content Chronicle yet, I recommend you put some time in your diary to do so. Future you will thank you for it.

Becky Lloyd Pack 📖 Messaging • Storytelling • Business

👂Helping you become someone people LOVE to listen to ✨ so you can build a business people LOVE to buy from 💪 by playing to your storytelling strengths

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