I've been cheating on my business.

Yep, you read that right Reader, I've been having an affair.

I've been sneaking off behind the Internet bike sheds doing something which feels more than a little naughty 😈

But before I give you a full confession, I hope you'll give me this opportunity to defend myself.

Me and my biz-boo have been together for 3 years and 7 months.

And I thought She was the love of my creative life.

But in April this year, everything changed.

The *actual* love of my life got COVID, right in the middle of a last-minute house move and I had no extra energy to give to Her.

And you know what she did? She abandoned me.

She left me hanging and didn't lift a finger to help me.

Foolishly, I thought we were stronger than that.

I thought she could self-sustain for at least a week, maybe do some of the heavy-lifting herself, ya know? Bring in a client or two?

But it turns out our relationship is one of complete co-dependence, minus a few Podcast listens here and there.

Without me being physically present... She's nothing.

(I won't lie, on some level I did suspect this. But suspecting it and seeing it first hand are two different cupcakes.)

So when a sneaky little idea sashayed it's way into my head... the temptation of something new, fresh and exciting was too much for my creative-orgasm-starved brain to resist.

So here goes it, Reader - I've started a Personal Blog.

I don't know where this new relationship will lead, but already I can feel that same blossoming excitement returning.

My first post on there explains everything about why I'm doing this entirely selfish thing and putting my long-term Biz Beau at risk of starvation.


This new fling has also given me the opportunity to completely reassess what I want.

And when I get real with myself, when I strip away all the logical "shoulds" and decondition myself from the generic 'Interwebs Model for Business Success' - what I want is not what I've been building.

And so, f*ck it.

I'm already half-way through building out something COMPLETELY NEW, exciting and accessible to hopefully give you that same spark of excitement I've felt return recently.

So far, I've not told anyone about it - but you can keep a secret right? 😈

Click the button below, and if it sounds up your street then you can join the Waitlist.


And if you join the waitlist, I'll give you first dibs when it's released along with a Waitlist only discount.

So yeah, let's keep this whole 'doing other stuff' thing between you and me right? I'm sure if Mr Zucks and his Algomonster catches wind of it, I'll be punished forever.


Yours in good faith,
Becky xoxo

Becky Lloyd Pack 📖 Messaging • Storytelling • Business

👂Helping you become someone people LOVE to listen to ✨ so you can build a business people LOVE to buy from 💪 by playing to your storytelling strengths

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