How do you feel about queue jumping?


My first ever boyfriend was a total sweetheart… until he dumped me with no warning, the day before he left for university. Ouch.

My second ever boyfriend, however, smoked weed for breakfast and was part owner of a couple of local nightclubs. How's that for a comeback?

He was 4 years older than me and lived in a pretty grimy flat with his friend… which I thought was incredibly cool.

We were together for 18 months before I finished with him, just before leaving for University (turns out my first ex was on to something)

But you wanna know the best thing about that relationship?

In my small town, I became a SOMEBODY.

Because of the prestige of my boyfriend, people on “the scene” knew me, including every single bouncer and doorman in our tired little seaside town.

Many nights I would smugly saunter past long shivering queues with my friends in tow, casually checking my dress hadn’t crept either up or down by 2-inches to expose my Rimmel Instant tan lines. (Rimmel Instant tan was a pale girls best friend in a town like mine)

I would hug the bouncers, hold out my wrist to be stamped without paying, and enter into the perpetual cloud of cigarette smoke that lingered in all clubs back in the day. Like. A. Boss.

No joke, I think for the duration of my relationship with this guy, it’s one of the few times my brother has ever openly been proud to have me as his sister.

And even though the relationship wasn’t great… I’ll never forget how it felt to be a SOMEONE.

Which is why I want to offer you this chance to skip the queue too, Reader.

To get on the VIP waitlist for The Content Chronicle™ which is being released… THIS WEEK!

(This week! I’ve said it now… accountability mode activated.)

​The Content Chronicle™ is a 4-week mini-course delivered weekly to your email inbox, designed to help kickstart your journey into creating long-form content.

It’s for those of you who have been bitching about Instagram but have yet to do anything meaningful about it.

By getting on the waitlist, not only will you get first access, but you will also get a gum-tingling 25% off the full price if you purchase in the first week.

You will only have access to that special discount link if you get on the waitlist.


And if you get on the waitlist and don’t end up buying…

*dramatic pause ….

I’ll tip my hat to you in recognition of a fellow nosey person who just likes to feel included, ya know?


With the invitation officially extended, I better get back to testing all my tech works for this launch!

Until next time,

B xoxo


P.S. If you join the waitlist and then decide you don't wanna be on it anymore, I've also set up some fancy thing in my email provider where you can update your preferences and specify the emails that you do and don't wanna get from me - neat huh?

P.P.S The Club Owner ex-boyfriend I talked about in this email recently sent me a friend request on Facebook... what do you think I should do about it?! Is it weird to accept it considering 14 years has passed and I'm now married?!

Becky Lloyd Pack 📖 Messaging • Storytelling • Business

👂Helping you become someone people LOVE to listen to ✨ so you can build a business people LOVE to buy from 💪 by playing to your storytelling strengths

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