Holy shit balls... I'm playing small AGAIN?! How?!

Imposter Syndrome, Pencil Skirts and Giving Less F*cks

by Becky Lloyd Pack.

Wanna know the worst thing about not having Wifi or a reliable Internet signal in our new place Reader? (5. more. days. people. 😅)

It's not that I can't run my Internet business which ya know... relies on having access to the Internet.

It's not shopping the Sweaty Betty sale 🛍 and adding a ridiculous amount of things to my basket that I know I'll never buy.

It's not even that I can't FaceTime my mum (who also happens to be my best mate) whom I previously lived 5 mins away from and would pop in regularly for a cheeky coffee at 3 o'clock in the afternoon when I was supposed to be scrolling through Instagram... or wait, what was I meant to be doing?

No no, it's none of these usual things that punctuate my day-to-day that equate to the worst thing about having no Internet.

It's the silence.

The unceasing, never-ending and inescapable silence which is only interrupted by one of two things:

1. An overly loud knock on the door from a delivery driver which frightens the bejeezus out of me. (We don't have a doorbell, lol.)

2. The loudness of my untethered thoughts as I aimlessly consider what the actual eff my Message is 😶

Now, the irony is not lost on me that people regularly pay ME to help them figure out "what their message is" and yet I spend an inordinate amount of time wondering the same thing for myself.

(Do you reckon this a normal thing? Like, do all life coaches see themselves in particular need of coaching? Do restaurant chefs cook themselves sh*t food at home? Do VA's get overwhelmed by their own to-do lists? Whaddya think? Just me?)


And yet, honestly?

I find "keeping it simple" so goddamn restrictive sometimes.

I want to talk about soooo many things, and yes - I know I can spin each of these into lessons about Messaging and Storytelling (tbh, this usually happens even if I don't try) but still...

The agony. The anguish. The distress of wondering:

If I talk about this... will people still buy from me? Will they be confused? Will they be like.... Ugh Becky, your Message is confusing AF. No way I'm working with you to clarify my message when like, yours is a steaming pile of word turd 💩

Or even worse... what if everyone frickin' LOVES that I talk about so much random shit and people STILL want to work with me? What do I tell them then?!

Will I just become one of those people teaching that awful cliche of "Just be yourself!" like that actually means something? 😅

After all, who I am changes on the daily depending on how much sleep I had, where in my menstrual cycle I am and how many cups of tea I've made and forgotten about and then accidentally sipped and spat out during the day. Lukewarm tea is not the one.


Alas, from this quiet time of disconnection - a realisation has emerged and great experiment is about to proceed.

You see, I've written before I don't really identify as an Entrepreneur or even business owner tbh. 😳

But I also don't identify as a Personal Brand.

I feel as though I'm in that weird sticky middle... where I don't want to share my entire life on the Internet just to make money, but Marketing funnels, "I help" statements and sales pages also feel like I'm wearing a fancy blouse and a pencil-skirt when I've been a t-shirt and jeans girl my whole life.

Uncomfortable, restrictive and like I'm just dressing how other people have told me to dress if I want to be taken seriously.

And so... to the experiment.

From this moment forwards, I am giving myself a permission slip to become somewhat unhinged.

To apply my life philosophy of "follow what feels fun even if it scares the shit out of you and it makes no sense on paper" to my business.

(Fun story: when I got to college, they told me I could study anything except Art. Guess what I ended up studying 🎨)

I'm going to let my metaphorical content-creating hair down and just see what the f*ck happens, ya know?

And in May - my intention is to work with 3 women, 1:1 over a period of 6 weeks to help them do the same.

To help them set a goal together of "Being More Them" without worrying about putting a label on whatever the hell that actually is... whilst still being mindful of the fact that generating money from "Being More Them" is also non-negotiable.

Those new yoga pants aren't gonna buy themselves now are they.

So if your IG bio is a snooze-fest, you're bored AF of your own captions and the thought that you might actually have to get on TikTok makes you want to check the local paper for job listings (is that still a thing?) then hit reply to this email babe or just hit the button below to book time for a good ol' fashioned chat.

Let's have some fun, make content that you enjoy making and people enjoy consuming and get rich doing it, yeah? Sound good?



Straight up legit - when I started writing this email, I didn't know it was going to end up being an invitation to work with me... but here we are. Creativity works in mysterious ways.

So if you're ready to un-bore your business, explore new creative ways of making money and dare I say it... have a little *fun* in the process then book in time for a no-pressure chat with me using this link here: Book in time for a chat

I've recently migrated from ActiveCampaign to ConvertKit for my emails which is why this email might look a little different than you're used to! Feel free to unsubscribe using the link below:

Becky Lloyd Pack 📖 Messaging • Storytelling • Business

👂Helping you become someone people LOVE to listen to ✨ so you can build a business people LOVE to buy from 💪 by playing to your storytelling strengths

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