Ever heard of "Idea Birth?" - it hurts like a MoFo.

Excited. Optimistic. Trying. Failing. Hesitant. Obsessive. Chaotic. Overworked. Lacklustre. Trying Again. Hopeful. Humble. Disappointed. Jaded. And reeaaalllly freaking bored of feeling like you're constantly starting from scratch and have zero idea how to make people want your milkshake.

Ahhh, the sweet sweet joy of running an online business on your todd, eh?

Here's the thing though Reader, it's natural to go through cycles in your business.

You, as a human, evolve. You learn new things.

You come up with new ideas that seem exciting at 3am in the morning when you're feeling a little frisky, but then begin to develop into this un-ignorable internal pressure that you know has got to come out at some point.

And as you start to move into this new phase, it's only natural that other things stop working so well for you as your energy and focus shifts on germinating this new Idea Baby.

But it can definitely get to the point where somethings gotta give. 😅

It's like being in that transition period where it's too hot for a proper coat, but definitely not warm enough yet to expose any skin above the elbow... what's a girl meant to do? Go and panic buy a gilet?!

(The equivalent of this is re-designing your website and re-writing half your copy before you've really figured out your sh*t yet, I'm looking at you babes. Step awaaayyy from the keyboard. You can't get a refund on that time spent, k?)

I happen to be in one of these phases currently, which is why I don't want you to go to my website after I tell you about this next bit.

(Seriously, don't. It won't help you.)

I am currently offering 1:1 Message Mentorship and support for women who are currently caught up in that uncomfortable middle bit where you know you're not the same as you were a hot minute ago, but the 'new you' hasn't quite materialised yet.

It's the perfect offer for you if you have an Idea Baby growing, and need a Creative Midwife to help you birth it, get it cleaned up and ready to present to the world with a shiny new selfie for Instagram. (Too much with the baby thing now? OK I'll stop.)

Over 6 weeks (with 4x 1:1 sessions and me in your backpocket with voice-note support the entire time) we get super clear on what it is you're working towards, and then bridge the Messaging gap between where you are now and where you want to be.

The content of this 'offer' is super bespoke to your business, your needs and your goals. But I can guarantee you'll have 10x more clarity AND I will be challenging you to take tangible action during our time together.

I only have limited spots available (3 to be precise) as I'm currently also working on something new too and have no desire to work Friday's or past 5pm everyday.

So Reader, it's up to you. Will our Idea Babies be in the same school year together? (I lied. I didn't stop.)

If you want to find out more, then you can book in time for a no-pressure chinwag here:


Until next time my friends.


​p.s. I've never given birth in my life... but a lot of my past clients have been mum's who have used the analogy of working with me on their message feeling like they're"giving birth to ideas" - sometimes kinda painful and uncomfortable but also incredibly rewarding at the end of it!

p.p.s If you're literally only reading this bit, basically I have a couple of spots open for 1:1 right now. You can book in a call to chat about it with me here: Book In A Chat​

Becky Lloyd Pack 📖 Messaging • Storytelling • Business

👂Helping you become someone people LOVE to listen to ✨ so you can build a business people LOVE to buy from 💪 by playing to your storytelling strengths

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